Extremely colorful music video of the day: Trust – “Dressed For Space”
Software Raconteur
Extremely colorful music video of the day: Trust – “Dressed For Space”
Posting a Google breadcrumb:
This weekend I tried to use Cloudera Manager with Apache Whirr to set up a hadoop cluster. Somewhat frustratingly, Cloudera Manager does not work on OSX, and Whirr has a bug that makes it not work properly on EC2. So I settled on creating a Virtual Machine running Ubuntu on my laptop, which I created using Vagrant.
When trying to run the Cloudera installer, I got this error:
Song of the night…Father John Misty: “Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings”, courtesy of @niralshah
Just leaving a Google breadcrumb in case someone hits this error. If you’re trying to launch a cluster using Whirr and Precise, and you get this error: (ubuntu:rsa[fingerprint(8a:da:a2:0f:23:d0:3b:91:38:93:1f:5b:2b:dc:33:90),sha1(f5:eb:ab:91:a2:a7:be:f1:90:f6:2c:10:f0:89:1f:51:12:a9:32:e5)]@ (ubuntu:rsa[fingerprint(8a:da:a2:0f:23:d0:3b:91:38:93:1f:5b:2b:dc:33:90),sha1(f5:eb:ab:91:a2:a7:be:f1:90:f6:2c:10:f0:89:1f:51:12:a9:32:e5)]@ error acquiring SSHClient(timeout=60000): Exhausted available authentication methods